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Grief Means Love:
will become a non profit organization for families in need.

Welcome to the Journey of Grief.

A safe space of supporting each other, expressing emotions, feeling understood and validated. 

This is a community to come together and share our stories. 

Support by

  • Social Media

  • Grief Groups

  • Grief Sessions

  • Website

  • In person/ Virtually

  • Travel

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

My Story

My name is Leimary Llopiz, the creator and founder of Grief Means Love and the owner of Circle of Life Doulas. My dedication of community outreach comes from my own experiences with infant loss. In 2009, I received one of the worst news any mother could hear during her pregnancy. I was losing my child and there was nothing the doctors could do. I lost my son Jonaiel and the grief that came with it was and still is unbearable. I went through postpartum depression and felt very alone. There were not  many resources or even knowledge around the grief process a family goes through. I wanted to bring this awareness to the community. Through my grieving and healing process, I gained a passion for helping others who experience the same loss or any loss. I have had two rainbow babies since my sweet angel baby, who were both also born prematurely. My time in the NICU gave me the experience and knowledge I use today in supporting families going through similar situations, soon I will  be offering my services of support and advocacy to parents and their babies in the NICU.  My passion for supporting grieving families has grown and flourished into Greif Means Love and now Circle of Life Doulas where we bring support, love, and awareness around all stages of life and grief.  Along with supporting families through their grief and guidance through situations and difficult decisions, I bring awareness to the community on knowledge of what we offer and how having these resources available for families can be very beneficial for all involved. Having an advocate is so beneficial to the families but also for the providers where we can be come together as a team to limit miscommunications and confusions that happen often in many settings. I present my work and knowledge to hospitals, hospice, funeral homes, and other local businesses and community resources to be able to provide my services in times of need and to bring knowledge of what we stand for and the services we provide. I offer grieving workshops to families and the community so there is always access to our support. Having accessible support can make the difference that is needed through the stages of grief. We need to end the stigma of grief by addressing it. A grieving mother lives with pain with every breath, I know this because I live it. My mission is to support that mother screaming in horror, pain, and desperation by allowing her to vocalize her feelings and emotions in a therapeutic and healthy way. I want to offer my services at low to no cost because my support is needed now, giving this support is essential for the process of healing. Please give me the chance to comfort those in need.

My reason for Grief Means Love
baby in NICU
My child in NICU

Do you need immediate support?

Please call/text (774)320-4799

Otherwise you can join our Grief Support group to connect with other families. 


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